Gold Glimmer Bath Bomb Project



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Skill Level: Intermediate
Time: 2 hours
Yield: About 13 bath bombs

Project Description

These bath bombs fill the tub with shimmer and skin-loving ingredients. They're perfect for holiday gifts!

These bath bombs are all about sparkle, shimmer, and glimmer! King's Gold Mica is added to the mixture, then it's rolled in Snowflake Sparkle Mica. Finally, more mica is drizzled on top. They are scented with Rose Quartz Fragrance Oil, which has notes of orange, jasmine, and sandalwood. 

A touch of champagne extract is added to help the bath bombs hold their shape when molding, and to add moisture to the bath water. Any oil-based extract will work great, or you can use a lightweight liquid oil. Polysorbate 80 helps the oil and mica disperse in the bath water. 

Looking for more DIY bath bomb supplies? Check out these bath bomb kits.

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8 Ingredients
1 Tools
For All 9 Items
If an item is out of stock, it will not be added to your cart.
All 9 Items :
Sodium Bicarbonate - 1 lb
Sodium Bicarbonate - 1 lb Item#: IB002935

Citric Acid - 1 lb
Citric Acid - 1 lb Item#: IB000052

Champagne Extract - 1 oz
Champagne Extract - 1 oz Item#: IB003406

Polysorbate 80 - 1 oz
Polysorbate 80 - 1 oz Item#: IB002429

Snowflake UltraSparkle Mica - 1 oz
Snowflake UltraSparkle Mica - 1 oz Item#: IB002179

King's Gold Mica - 1 oz
King's Gold Mica - 1 oz Item#: IB002176

Witch Hazel - 1 lb
Witch Hazel - 1 lb Item#: IB003098

Rose Quartz Fragrance Oil - 1.75 oz
Rose Quartz Fragrance Oil - 1.75 oz Item#: IB001669

Stainless Steel Bath Bomb Mold, 2 pieces - 12 molds
Stainless Steel Bath Bomb Mold, 2 pieces - 12 molds Item#: IB002297
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Gold Glimmer Bath Bomb Project

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Time: 2 hours
  • Yield: About 13 bath bombs

These bath bombs are all about sparkle, shimmer, and glimmer! King's Gold Mica is added to the mixture, then it's rolled in Snowflake Sparkle Mica. Finally, more mica is drizzled on top. They are scented with Rose Quartz Fragrance Oil, which has notes of orange, jasmine, and sandalwood. 

A touch of champagne extract is added to help the bath bombs hold their shape when molding, and to add moisture to the bath water. Any oil-based extract will work great, or you can use a lightweight liquid oil. Polysorbate 80 helps the oil and mica disperse in the bath water. 

Looking for more DIY bath bomb supplies? Check out these bath bomb kits.

You will need:

  • About 13 Bath Bomb Molds
  • 32 oz. Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)
  • 16 oz. Citric Acid
  • 1 oz. Champagne Extract
  • 0.5 oz. Polysorbate 80
  • 9 mL Rose Quartz Fragrance Oil
  • King's Gold Mica
  • Snowflake Sparkle Mica
  • Witch Hazel in a Spray Bottle
  • 99% Isopropyl Alcohol 
  • Dropper

Follow these steps:


In a large bowl, mix together 32 ounces of baking soda and 16 ounces of citric acid. To get rid of clumps in the mixture, you can push the powders through a sifter or break them up with your fingers. Add 1 teaspoon of King's Gold Mica and stir. Note: Citric acid has a tendency to take off nail polish, so wear gloves to protect your manicure.


In a small container, add 1 ounce of champagne extract, 0.5 ounces of polysorbate and 9 mL of Rose Quartz Fragrance Oil. Stir together. 


Add the liquids to the baking soda and citric acid. Use your hands to thoroughly mix all the ingredients together until there are no clumps. 


Test the consistency of the bath bomb mixture. It should feel like wet sand and hold its shape when squeezed. This means it will hold its shape in the mold as well. If it’s too dry, use one hand to spritz the mixture with witch hazel and one to mix.


Fill the two halves of the mold, gently pressing the bath bomb mixture in each so they hold their shape. Mound a little extra powder in the center of each half of the mold. Wipe away any powder from the seams of the mold and press together. Continue filling up the bath bomb molds until the mixture is gone.


Allow the bath bombs to harden in the mold for 24 hours. Then, carefully remove them from the mold.


Fill a bowl with a few tablespoons of Snowflake Sparkle Mica. The following steps can get a little messy, so you may want to lay down newspaper on your surface. Gently roll the bath bomb in the mica until completely covered. Use your fingers to spread it evenly and brush off any extra. 


In separate containers, mix 1 teaspoon of King's Gold Mica and 1 teaspoon of Snowflake Sparkle Mica with 1 tablespoon of 99% isopropyl alcohol. Use a dropper to drizzle the mica on top of the bath bombs. Continue until you're happy with the look. Let the bath bombs dry for about 30 minutes. To use, place the bath bomb into a hot bath and enjoy!

Tutorial credits

Photographer: Amanda Kerzman

Gold Glimmer Bath Bomb Project

  • Skill Level: Intermediate
  • Time: 2 hours
  • Yield: About 13 bath bombs

These bath bombs are all about sparkle, shimmer, and glimmer! King's Gold Mica is added to the mixture, then it's rolled in Snowflake Sparkle Mica. Finally, more mica is drizzled on top. They are scented with Rose Quartz Fragrance Oil, which has notes of orange, jasmine, and sandalwood. 

A touch of champagne extract is added to help the bath bombs hold their shape when molding, and to add moisture to the bath water. Any oil-based extract will work great, or you can use a lightweight liquid oil. Polysorbate 80 helps the oil and mica disperse in the bath water. 

Looking for more DIY bath bomb supplies? Check out these bath bomb kits.

You will need:

  • About 13 Bath Bomb Molds
  • 32 oz. Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)
  • 16 oz. Citric Acid
  • 1 oz. Champagne Extract
  • 0.5 oz. Polysorbate 80
  • 9 mL Rose Quartz Fragrance Oil
  • King's Gold Mica
  • Snowflake Sparkle Mica
  • Witch Hazel in a Spray Bottle
  • 99% Isopropyl Alcohol 
  • Dropper

Follow these steps:


In a large bowl, mix together 32 ounces of baking soda and 16 ounces of citric acid. To get rid of clumps in the mixture, you can push the powders through a sifter or break them up with your fingers. Add 1 teaspoon of King's Gold Mica and stir. Note: Citric acid has a tendency to take off nail polish, so wear gloves to protect your manicure.


In a small container, add 1 ounce of champagne extract, 0.5 ounces of polysorbate and 9 mL of Rose Quartz Fragrance Oil. Stir together. 


Add the liquids to the baking soda and citric acid. Use your hands to thoroughly mix all the ingredients together until there are no clumps. 


Test the consistency of the bath bomb mixture. It should feel like wet sand and hold its shape when squeezed. This means it will hold its shape in the mold as well. If it’s too dry, use one hand to spritz the mixture with witch hazel and one to mix.


Fill the two halves of the mold, gently pressing the bath bomb mixture in each so they hold their shape. Mound a little extra powder in the center of each half of the mold. Wipe away any powder from the seams of the mold and press together. Continue filling up the bath bomb molds until the mixture is gone.


Allow the bath bombs to harden in the mold for 24 hours. Then, carefully remove them from the mold.


Fill a bowl with a few tablespoons of Snowflake Sparkle Mica. The following steps can get a little messy, so you may want to lay down newspaper on your surface. Gently roll the bath bomb in the mica until completely covered. Use your fingers to spread it evenly and brush off any extra. 


In separate containers, mix 1 teaspoon of King's Gold Mica and 1 teaspoon of Snowflake Sparkle Mica with 1 tablespoon of 99% isopropyl alcohol. Use a dropper to drizzle the mica on top of the bath bombs. Continue until you're happy with the look. Let the bath bombs dry for about 30 minutes. To use, place the bath bomb into a hot bath and enjoy!

Tutorial credits

Photographer: Amanda Kerzman

You will need:

  • About 13 Bath Bomb Molds
  • 32 oz. Baking Soda (Sodium Bicarbonate)
  • 16 oz. Citric Acid
  • 1 oz. Champagne Extract
  • 0.5 oz. Polysorbate 80
  • 9 mL Rose Quartz Fragrance Oil
  • King's Gold Mica
  • Snowflake Sparkle Mica
  • Witch Hazel in a Spray Bottle
  • 99% Isopropyl Alcohol 
  • Dropper

Follow these steps:


In a large bowl, mix together 32 ounces of baking soda and 16 ounces of citric acid. To get rid of clumps in the mixture, you can push the powders through a sifter or break them up with your fingers. Add 1 teaspoon of King's Gold Mica and stir. Note: Citric acid has a tendency to take off nail polish, so wear gloves to protect your manicure.


In a small container, add 1 ounce of champagne extract, 0.5 ounces of polysorbate and 9 mL of Rose Quartz Fragrance Oil. Stir together. 


Add the liquids to the baking soda and citric acid. Use your hands to thoroughly mix all the ingredients together until there are no clumps. 


Test the consistency of the bath bomb mixture. It should feel like wet sand and hold its shape when squeezed. This means it will hold its shape in the mold as well. If it’s too dry, use one hand to spritz the mixture with witch hazel and one to mix.


Fill the two halves of the mold, gently pressing the bath bomb mixture in each so they hold their shape. Mound a little extra powder in the center of each half of the mold. Wipe away any powder from the seams of the mold and press together. Continue filling up the bath bomb molds until the mixture is gone.


Allow the bath bombs to harden in the mold for 24 hours. Then, carefully remove them from the mold.


Fill a bowl with a few tablespoons of Snowflake Sparkle Mica. The following steps can get a little messy, so you may want to lay down newspaper on your surface. Gently roll the bath bomb in the mica until completely covered. Use your fingers to spread it evenly and brush off any extra. 


In separate containers, mix 1 teaspoon of King's Gold Mica and 1 teaspoon of Snowflake Sparkle Mica with 1 tablespoon of 99% isopropyl alcohol. Use a dropper to drizzle the mica on top of the bath bombs. Continue until you're happy with the look. Let the bath bombs dry for about 30 minutes. To use, place the bath bomb into a hot bath and enjoy!

Tutorial credits

Photographer: Amanda Kerzman




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